Monday, November 12, 2012

Staying safe

What do you do if your are riding in your friends car and they start texting and driving?

According to the University of Utah

  "Using a cell phone while driving – whether it's handheld or hands-free – delays a driver's reactions as much as having a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 (the legal limit for drivers 21 and older in all states)."

So would you ride with a drunk driver?

That is why I say something if my friend texts and drives.

Read this drivers reaction to someone standing up to him.... 

Do you have any ideas of what to do, leave us a comment

Friday, October 5, 2012

Stage two

Stage two begins…

The time just seems to be flying with our proposal submitted we are now contacting companies to ask if they would be willing to contribute supplies for our cause (i.e. stickers, pins, window clings, etc.). With these supplies we will soon begin our campaign on campus. If any one knowes of a company willing to donate to our cause please send us an email at

Friday, September 28, 2012

Who we are

Did you Know...

     Last year 5,474 deaths in Utah alone were the direct result of drivers texting in the car. Nation wide 100,000+ crashes a year are caused by texting. Yet 75% of teens say their friends frequently text when they drive.

      We are a group of concerned Brigham Young University students who are tyring to change this statistic. In the coming months we are going to begin a compain on this subject. We will be handing out bumper magnents and plaging student to not text and drive.

     This blog is the place to lean what we have been doing to prepare for the campain, and about the dangers of texting and driving in the provo area.


Check back soon to learn more